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First lady melania trump attends a small outdoor ceremony on the white house driveway to mark the arrival of the large christmas tree that will adorn the white house blue room on monday nov. The white house christmas tree is a tall fraser fir christmas tree in the blue room adorned with more than 500 feet of blue velvet ribbon embroidered in gold with each state and territory.

White House Christmas Decorations Preview Washington Dc Usa 26 Nov 2018 White House Christmas Decorations White House Christmas Tree White House Christmas

Former holiday cards sent by first families over the years are on display in the booksellers area.

2018 white house christmas. White house christmas 2018 renovation expert and interior designer alison victoria provides an insider s look at how the volunteers and staff join forces to dress up the white house in holiday splendor. The hgtv special airs sunday december 9 at 6p 5c. From the east colonnade topiaries to cookieville to the massive gingerbread displays hgtv has an exclusive pass to this holiday extravaganza.

An ornament in the booksellers area of the white house. White house christmas tour 2018 hgtv continues its tradition now in its sixteenth year of providing viewers with a room by room holiday tour of the white house as well as an online gallery of exclusive photos. The view from the vermeil room of the white house.

Host alison victoria is there to provide you with behind the scenes access. The 18 foot white house christmas tree located inside the blue room was grown in newland north carolina.